Filippo Merlo
Hi, my name is Filippo Merlo and I am a first-year student in the master's program in Cognitive Science at CIMeC in Rovereto.
Before coming to Trento, I was a Psychology student at the University of Padua and an Erasmus+ student in Warsaw, Poland.
Since I started my university journey 4 years ago, I had the opportunity to study, live and grow in a university environment that was attentive to what were the needs and demands of students.
In which studying was not the simple delivery of well-packaged notions but where mutual interaction among students and between students and the academy allowed new opportunities to arise.
Where the purposefulness and initiative of students were not ignored but nurtured.
Where every major change was welcomed with flexibility and the capacity for reorganization to meet the new challenges that accompanied it.
Where diversity was not only accepted but understood as a chance to get in touch with new perspectives from which to generate fresh ideas and a dynamic and up-to-date environment.
In which students were not just visitors but had the opportunity to take the responsibility of shaping their own places.
All this is not born out of a vacuum; it is the result of the efforts of students who wanted a university like this and worked to build it together. I think I was lucky to receive it like this. This year I decided to apply as a student representative to help make it so.
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