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Hi I’m Antonio Benvenuto, 20 years old, and I’m attending the second year at the CEILS course. I decided to run with UNITiN as a representative for the students of our course. Our course is revolutionary in many ways that’s why it is full of potential and unfortunately full of flaws. My objective is to enhance the strengths and resolve as many problems as possible. I am excited and full of ideas, so if you want a better CEILS, next November 22nd and 23rd vote UNITiN and vote ANTONIO.
Piccolo post scriptum per i miei amici giuristi, mi candido anche per rappresentare voi, come tutti quelli che mi conoscono e lo sanno che sono pronto a metterci l’anima, non solo per migliorare il mio bel corso bensì tutta la Facoltà.

Antonio Benvenuto

Hi I’m Antonio Benvenuto, 20 years old, and I’m attending the second year at the CEILS course. I decided to run with UNITiN as a representative for the students of our course. Our course is revolutionary in many ways that’s why it is full of potential and unfortunately full of flaws. My objective is to enhance the strengths and resolve as many problems as possible. I am excited and full of ideas, so if you want a better CEILS, next November 22nd and 23rd vote UNITiN and vote ANTONIO.
Piccolo post scriptum per i miei amici giuristi, mi candido anche per rappresentare voi, come tutti quelli che mi conoscono e lo sanno che sono pronto a metterci l’anima, non solo per migliorare il mio bel corso bensì tutta la Facoltà.

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